Our Story
Kibra began with a profound purpose: to empower every woman to embrace their uniqueness and beauty, supporting them in being their authentic self.
Our mission is to revolutionize the way women feel about their bodies by offering customisable and comfortable activewear.
We achieve this through our bold and unique activewear designs. We understand that feeling extraordinary is not limited to a specific location or activity.
Whether you're training at home, in the gym, or enjoying outdoor activities, we have you in mind.Kibra Spirit
Our commitment is to provide affordable, high-quality activewear that fits perfectly and feels incredible.
Our sleek and sophisticated designs are crafted to instil a profound sense of security, unyielding comfort, and unwavering confidence, empowering you to conquer every milestone on your extraordinary life's journey. With Kibra, we aspire to awaken the fire within you, igniting a passion that drives you to become the best version of yourself. As you embark on the pursuit of your dreams, may Kibra serve as a constant reminder to embrace every twist and turn, seize every opportunity, and fearlessly explore the boundless possibilities that life has to offer.
Kibra は単なる名前ではなく、希望と決意を表すブランドです。すべては、当社の創設者である Nina がナイロビ最大のスラム街であるキベラを訪れ、家族を乗せる車を購入するという明確な夢を持つ 13 歳の少女と人生を変えるような会話をしたことから始まりました。
Kibra を選ぶことで、あなたは、多様性を受け入れることで団結し、お互いを高め合う、粘り強く並外れた女性たちの活気あるコミュニティの一員になります。Ninaがこのブランドを立ち上げるきっかけとなった 13 歳の少女のように、Kibra があなたに最高の自分になって夢を追いかけるきっかけを与えてくれることを願っています。